John Water’s cinema is a lubricant, which allows the intolerable, the indefensible, the unacceptable to slip into the space of imagination of mass culture. His films have the effect of poppers, temporarily – or even permanently for some – lowering the threshold of inhibition, enabling solidarity among average people and murderers, eccentrics, and the behaviorally disturbed. “Dreamlanders” is what John Waters, born in 1946 in Baltimore, called his troupe of childhood friends – “bad suburban kids” – and like-minded people, with whom he worked in DIY mode beginning in the late sixties. The “Dreamland” of the resultant films was intended less as an underground attack on the mainstream, but instead celebrated all-encompassing tastelessness as the ultimate transgression: trash became a way of life, which certainly fell on fertile ground in the overheated vat of society after 1968. Waters’ “Pink Flamingos” is still regarded as the quintessential “midnight movie” today; the non sequitur sequence at the end of the film, where Divine eats fresh dog shit, is the fecal-romantic climax of the “Dreamland” parallel dimension. During the insatiable eighties the studios were licking up the radical cinema of the previous decade from the street, one after another – and John Waters also seized the opportunity and planted his unholy seed in the sacrosanct multiplex temple of Reagonomics: the cryptic comedy “Hairspray” about a chubby teenager, who dances in 1962 in a television music program – as a child and as a teenager himself, Waters was obsessed with the “Buddy Deane Show” – and battles there against racist practices was a notable success in 1988 and advanced in the years thereafter to become a cult film. John Waters is a legendary director, but also a book-lover, art collector and icon of pop culture: We are beside ourselves with joy that we can welcome the “Pope of Trash” to Vienna!
PINK FLAMINGOS, Fr, 29.09. | 20:30 – Filmcasino
FEMALE TROUBLE, Fr, 29.09. | 23:00 – Filmcasino
DESPERATE LIVING, Fr, 29.09. | 01:00 – Filmcasino
POLYESTER, Fr, 29.09. | im Anschluss an DESPERATE LIVING – Filmcasino
MULTIPLE MANIACS, Sa, 30.09. | 23:00 – Gartenbaukino